My Games of the Year, 2024

These games meant the most to me in 2024.
Hi, I’m Bobby, a software
developer / video game enthusiast / struggling
writer from soggy old England.
These games meant the most to me in 2024.
A fun diversion, with nicely polished mechanics, and enough of a retro vibe to make a solid addition to your Switch arcade collection.
This 2D platformer has bags of flexibility and variety, with great level design, although its gimmicks don’t hit home 100% of the time.
Big Brother meets … Big Brother. In this pixellated tale of dystopian reality game show, you’re tasked with completing a series of platforming puzzles — by fair means or foul.
See all Nintendo Switch reviews for the complete set. I am also writing a series of One Hour reviews which are more concise, and cover games I’ve played briefly, for free. And there’s more: I’ve recently started a series of ‘Switch Notes’, which summarise a game in ten points I consider most important.
I also write reviews for Switch Player magazine.
I have a huge amount of software I’ve cobbled together over the years, gathering dust on my hard-drive. Some of this is worthy of releasing, and I’ll be doing exactly that, slowly. First up is Stealthtacks, a simple Pinboard client.
As of October 2019, I’m working on a little experiment called Bunner, a simple turn-based 2d puzzle game.
I’ll release more in due course, probably first via GitHub.
I’m maintaining a league table of all the Switch games I’ve played, whether I’ve reviewed them or not. It will be updated regularly, and the latest version will always be available here. Spoiler alert: Breath of the Wild is the greatest Nintendo Switch game, and will probably remain so.
Subscribe to this RSS feed of all Nintendo Switch reviews to get regular updates.
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I also have a Mastodon account, but I rarely post there.